Monday, March 25, 2019

What would we do without our Red-haired Wonder?

  This child was named to honor a cherished cousin to Kristen, who came on the heels of a loving brother.
  Eager to be greeted,

 but claiming her own,

 making up her own mind when to cuddle, 
to sleep, 

to smile

to worry

to flirt, 

to advance forward
to relax
 or to laugh
 She savors life 


 like she savors her mouthfuls.

One Friday,  while her parents reviewed Provo's Pride and Prejudice, this little girl and her brother got to hang out at Grandma Great's house, with Grand Auntie Marlene.  Anna took in cheeks-full of cottage cheese but showed little interest in moving the mountain therein downward.  Her "Mary Poppins"  Grand Auntie felt concern--understanding hazards of choking.  Marlene related the miracle that happened when Grandma Verla offered a small bit of mandarin orange to chase the rest down. 

Then Great Grandma Verla told us about tickling this little one.  When Marlene would finish the tickling, Anna would reach toward Auntie's hand to bring it back to her tummy.  "Do you like tickling?  "Uh huh," This would be affirmative!"

We are tickled to have, to know and to love this little rose colored pearl, even if she totes a little red atop. 
What would we do without our Red-haired wonder?

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