Tuesday, June 5, 2018

THANK YOU for prayers (and hands on!) with Crows Landing Apricot Fiesta Family History booth

Elder Starkey: 
The Apricot Festival had an interesting feel.  It was clean, well organized, and moderately attended.  The Crows Landing Branch and Ward sponsored a booth extolling the importance of the Family and finding our ancestors.  We think it added a positive twist to a 48 year tradition. We were pleased to help a little and conversed with a number of individuals and families about the excitement of finding their ancestors.
Sister Starkey:
Thank you, to each of the youth in Crows Landing first ward and second branch who came to help set up our booth and teach children how to play the games.  
Thank you to the Melendez and Martinez families

for offering transportation and preparation help, to the St. Jeor family in manning and helping dissemble.  
We appreciate suggestions and prayers and each who tried to find and support our invitation to friends in our community to know Who is your Grandpa (and grandma and cousins and aunts!)  
Apologies if we missed you...our location, just west of City Hall, was not super easy to find.  And because we were pretty busy with children and others, we were not checking phones regularly.  (We love you for trying!!)  

Thanks to First ward Primary, for crayons, to Second Ward young women for fun prizes, 

and to each of you that are following the prophet with faith, in inviting Heavenly Father's children to understand and accept His plan, through your example 

in loving your neighbors 
We found our neighbors!

and your efforts in family history.
We love you!!
Hermana and Elder Starkey

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