Thursday, April 9, 2020

My Tall Drink of Water

Val is for Valiant.  
The name signifies strong, healthy, powerful.  If knowledge and honor bring power, experimentation can lead to invention and understanding.
Val is the great grandchild of an Alva, and closely related to a Thomas Alva, with bones of invention on the roots and branches of his family tree.

Let us be apprised that Val removed a doorknob with a kitchen knife at age twoand scaled the refrigerator to its heights for prized treasures there.  

It was not too long before he did not have to climb.

              "If you turn the channel one more time..."
In the meantime, he merited a nickname "Buzzy" 

and learned that with good things you don't always have to stop at "one"
--like fish,


Toyota cars,
This is not a Toyota, but it was Val's first real contact with caring for a car

and grandchildren.

He learned to calculate early and it has over the years done him well (and helped an acclaimed airplane company.)

Maybe being raised in the West fostered his spirit of adventure.
Bear hunter "wannabe" 31 October


With grandchildren--he loves visiting,








and dancing 

or hanging out...

He loves color and culture

                               animated teaching...
                                                          devising strategies...
             making healthy concoctions...

                                                                     This is not exactly healthy but
                                                                              proof that Val has been
                                                                            within reaching distance
                                                                                   of cake!

            working out...

 or kicking back for a good talk... 
  Val is good for a comforting shoulder, a kind word....

and learning from talented people of all ages.

 Val is an interested husband,


                                                                  and father in law...

 covenant keeper

Val likes being prepared... 
He is predictable, but every blue moon, he will surprise you!

What would I do without this wonderfully tall drink of water!  

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